Executive Staff
Robert Jordan
Interim Chief Executive Officer
- Mail: RJordan@Pathwaytoledo.org
- Phone: (419) 242-7304 ext 1205
Kristie Clark
Operations Coordinator to CEO
- Mail: KClark@Pathwaytoledo.org
- Phone: (419) 242-7304 ext 1205
Robert Jordan
Chief Financial Officer
- Mail: RJordan@Pathwaytoledo.org
- Phone: (419) 242-7304 ext 1201
Jason Mueller
Financial Control Officer
- Mail: JMueller@Pathwaytoledo.org
- Phone: (419) 242-7304 ext 2948
Aaron Gray
Senior Accountant
- Mail: AGray@Pathwaytoledo.org
- Phone: (419) 242-7304 ext 1204
Senior Staff
William Barrow Jr.
Director of Senior Emergency Home Repair
- Mail: DSteele@Pathwaytoledo.org
- Phone: (419) 242-7304 ext 1501
Cynthia Savage
Director of Community Resources
- Mail: CSavage@Pathwaytoledo.org
- Phone: (419) 242-7304 ext 2989
Tomeka Rushing
Director of Employment and Career Services
- Mail: TRushing@Pathwaytoledo.org
- Phone: (419) 242-7304 ext 1254
Avis Files
Director of Family and Supportive Services
- Mail: AFiles@Pathwaytoledo.org
- Phone: (419) 279-0798
Claudia Rodriguez
Director of Emergency and Empowerment Services
- Mail: CRodriguez@Pathwaytoledo.org
- Phone: (419) 242-7304 ext 1155